To estimate the average operative blood loss in tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy and the various factors affecting it. A prospective study of estimation of blood loss in 100 patients who underwent tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy. Data collected included the age, sex, operative indication, clotting time, Hb levels and usage of pre-operative antibiotics. Cold knife dissection method for tonsillectomy and curettage method for adenoidectomy were used. Measurement by calorimetric method of estimation being simple and accurate was used for estimation. Study undertaken at a tertiary referral hospital catering to an urban, semi-urban and rural populace. Blood loss was more in males and increases as age advances both in adenotonsillectomy and tonsillectomy. Blood loss was more in fibrosed tonsils, at lower hemoglobin levels and at higher clotting times. It was less in cases who received pre-operative antibiotics. The average blood losses in males and females during tonsillectomy were 106.91 and 96.26 ml respectively. In adenotonsillectomy, the average blood losses in males and females were 81.44 and 76.82 ml respectively. In our series we found that blood loss in tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy depended on various factors like age, sex, the type of tonsillitis, method of dissection, hemoglobin concentration, clotting time and the use of antibiotics. All these factors must be taken into consideration while taking up patients especially those who cannot tolerate blood loss, for surgery.