Time structurally (chronomically) interpreted half-hourly monitoring of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) for at least 7 days and preferably for 17 days is recommended, separately for a diagnosis of BP disorders and when necessary again for the same or longer spans for treatment, whenever a positive diagnosis of a disorder is made. In this study, 30 clinically healthy subjects underwent 7-day monitoring and provided a series of findings, including the detection of Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension (CHAT), that is blood pressure overswinging, which carries a high risk of hard cardiovascular events. The results specifically bear upon south-east Asian-Indian immigrants. They show that cardiovascular disease risk increases with age, with a positive family history of hypertension and/or other cardiovascular diseases and even with the duration of stay in the USA. A relation to body mass index is also shown. Such monitoring for prehabilitation may eventually reduce the need for rehabilitation.