This is a complement to my previous article "Advanced Determinant Calculus" (Séminaire Lotharingien Combin. 42 (1999), Article B42q, 67 pp.). In the present article, I share with the reader my experience of applying the methods described in the previous article in order to solve a particular problem from number theory (G. Almkvist, J. Petersson and the author, Experiment. Math. 12 (2003), 441-456). Moreover, I add a list of determinant evaluations which I consider as interesting, which have been found since the appearance of the previous article, or which I failed to mention there, including several conjectures and open problems.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05A19; Secondary 05A10 05A15 05A17 05A18 05A30 05E10 05E15 11B68 11B73 11C20 11Y60 15A15 33C45 33D45 33E05.The prime factorisation of the second-to-last number is (we are using Mathematica here)
In[1]:= FactorInteger[477638700]3 The writing N ICE(n) is borrowed from Doron Zeilberger [193, Recitation III]. The technical term for a formula of the type (2.5) is "hypergeometric term", see [144, Sec. 3.2], whereas, most often, the colloquial terms "closed form" or "nice formula" are used for it, see [193, Recitation II]. More recently, some authors call sequences given by formulae of that type sequences of "round" numbers, see [117, Sec. 6].4 Rate is available from It is based on a rather simple algorithm which involves rational interpolation. In contrast to what I read, with great surprise, in [46], the explanations of how Rate works in Appendix A of [109] can be read and understood without any knowledge about determinants and, in particular, without any knowledge of the fifty or so pages that precede Appendix A in [109]. 5 Rate will always be able to guess a formula of the type (2.5) if there are enough initial terms of the sequence available. However, there is a larger class of sequences which have the property that the size of the primes in the prime factorisation of the terms of the sequence grows only slowly with n. These are sequences given by formulae containing "Abelian" factors, such as n n . Unfortunately, Rate does not know how to handle such factors. Recently, Rubey [158] proposed an algorithm for covering Abelian factors as well. His implementation Guess is written in Axiom and is available at