were studied by 13 C cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy. The ring carbon signals ofshowed splitting patterns which are a signature of the hitherto unknown 59 Co, 13 C dipolar coupling. In contrast, a unique signal was found for the remaining cations. The dependence of the patterns on the field, the rotor spinning rate and the temperature was investigated, and full-matrix diagonalization treatment was used to fit the spectra. The patterns were better resolved at lower fields and to some extent at lower spinning rates. Self-decoupling was observed for [Cp Ł CpCo] C [PF 6 ] above 360 K. Visual fitting yielded dipolar and indirect isotropic 59 Co, 13 C coupling constants of 530 and 40 Hz, respectively. When the counter ion of [Cp Ł CpCo] C was changed from [PF 6 ] to Cl or [TCNE] 2 the dipolar coupling pattern was not present, probably because of self-decoupling.