Since the first isolation of a stable silene by Brook et al. in 1981, [1] the chemistry of these species featuring a siliconcarbon double bond has been the subject of many studies. [2] The high reactivity of silenes I is mainly due to the SiC double bond, which is naturally polarized towards carbon (Si d+ =C dÀ ), as C is more electronegative than Si. Therefore, the electrophilic silicon center can be stabilized by Lewis bases, leading to adducts II. [3] However, silenes with a reversed SiC bond polarization, arising from the presence of p-donating substituents at C (III [1, 4,5] and IV), [6] or to the fulvalene-type structure V, [7] show a considerably enhanced stability and an elongated SiC double bond. It is clear that the substitution pattern considerably influences the reactivity and the stability of silenes derivatives.Despite intense research efforts over the past three decades, only a few types of stable silenes are available.Particularly, although there are several C-substituted silenes by p-donors III and IV, [6] including anionic 2-silenolates VI, [8] very few studies on related Si-substituted silenes VII have been realized. Only one example of a silene featuring two potentially p-donors on silicon (VIII) has been isolated. However, in this silyl-anion-Si-substituted silene VIII, the pinteraction between the substituents and the silene moiety is not significant. [9] Herein, we report a synthesis of a stable and isolable silene 2 (type VII) by an isomerization of silacyclopropylidene 1. This silene 2 substituted at silicon by two strong p-donating substituents, such as amino-and phosphonium ylide groups, possess unique properties and is an excellent ligand for transition metals.We recently reported the synthesis of the base-stabilized sila-cyclopropylidene 1.[10] Despite its strained cyclic structure, 1 is quite stable and can be easily handled at room temperature under inert conditions. However, simply by heating a few hours a toluene solution of 1 at 150 8C, under pressure, an original isomerization, involving a ring-opening reaction of sila-cyclopropylidene fragment, led to the formation of silene 2, which was isolated as orange crystals in 76 % yield (Scheme 1). The same result was obtained by the photolysis of 1 (l = 300 nm) in toluene solution at room temperature. The stereoselectivity of the rearrangement was indicated by the presence of only one singlet in 31 P NMR at d = 27.4 ppm. The 29 Si NMR spectrum exhibits a doublet signal at d = 74.7 ppm ( 2 J PSi = 24.0 Hz), which is within the range of values previously observed for silenes (d = 41-145 ppm). [2a] However, the resonances observed for the silene carbon (d = 60.9 ppm, 3 J CP = 6.1 Hz), and the C À H proton (d = 3.15 ppm), appear at significantly higher field compared to those observed for other silenes, in 13 C and 1 H NMR, respectively. [11] These NMR data clearly suggest an enhanced polarization of the silene moiety Si=C towards the carbon atom, which is probably due to the presence of the p-donating substituents on the silicon atom...