“…In the Chicago Creek area, as postulated by Harrison and "Wells (1959, p. 43), copper-rich ores were deposited before lead-zinc-rich ores, in accord with a sequence of fracturing. In the Central City district, however, as suggested by Barton (1961, 1962) and Sims and others (1963), there was only one stage of base-metal mineralization, which probably followed a period of districtwide refracturing, and the different kinds of base-metal-ores-owe their main characteristics to different pressure-temperature conditions. If the copper-rich and lead-zinc-rich ores formed in sequence, as postulated by Harrison and Wells (1959, p. 43), one would expect to find successive bands of such ores in the symmetrically banded veins, such as the Lincoln and Houston veins, which apparently remained open from the pyrite stage through the base-metal stage.…”