Cand. Sc. (Tech.). Assoc. Prof.,, А. L. Shyrin, Cand. Sc. (Tech.),, V. O. Rastsvietaiev, Cand. Sc. (Tech.). Assoc. Prof.,, O. V. Cherniaiev, To substantiate efficient structure of automated system to control ground heavy-type ropeways relying upon the analysis of calculation scheme.methodology. Theoretical studies on mathematical model of a mine ropeway to determine the regularities concerning the formation of dynamic forces within ground ropeway (GRW) chains in transient conditions as well as experiments concerning the facilities use in the context of the mine conditions involving original equipment.Findings. A structure of automated system to control ground heavy-type ropeways has been substantiated making it possible to improve both their efficiency and operational safety; moreover, it has been proposed to introduce additional functions.Originality. For the first time, the dependence of GRW dynamic coefficient on acceleration period has been determined with the consideration of the self-oscillation period of the system. A method aimed at the minimization of dynamic forces within the rope has been proposed.Practical value. Introduction of controlling functions of starting time into a structure of automated control system depending upon transportation distance, weight of a train, and limitation of maximum forces within a rope with the use of current element base makes it possible to prolong operational life substantially and, thus, reduce costs for its replacement and transportation costs on the whole while improving the efficiency of the facilities and their underground operation.