The Reconstruction Conjecture asserts that every finite simple undirected graph on three or more vertices is determined, up to isomorphism, by its collection of vertex-deleted subgraphs. This article reviews the progress made on the conjecture since it was first formulated in 1941 and discusses a number of related questions.The Reconstruction Conjecture is generally regarded as one of the foremost unsol;ed problems in graph theory. Indeed, Harary (1969) has even classified it as a "graphical disease" because of its contagious nature. According to reliable sources, it was discovered in Wisconsin in 1941 by Kelly and Ulam, and claimed its first victim (P. J. Kelly) in 1942.* There are now more than sixty recorded cases, and relapses occur frequently (this article being a case in point). Our purpose here is to describe and analyse the current status of the disease, identify its more interesting variants, and suggest possible remedies.We shall, €or the most part, use the terminology and notation of Bondy and Murty;? so a graph G has vertex set V(G), edge set E ( G ) , v ( G ) vertices and E ( G ) edges. A subgraph of G obtained by deleting a vertex v together with its incident edges will be referred to as a vertex-deleted subgraph and denoted by G, (rather than G -v ) . Figure 1 exhibits the vertex-deleted subgraphs of a graph.