For a numerical sequence {a n } satisfying broad assumptions on its "behaviour on average" and a random walk S n = ξ 1 +· · ·+ξ n with i.i.d. jumps ξ j with positive mean µ, we establish the asymptotic behaviour of the sums n 1 a n P(S n ∈ [x, x + ∆)) as x → ∞, where ∆ > 0 is fixed. The novelty of our results is not only in much broader conditions on the weights {a n }, but also in that neither the jumps ξ j nor the weights a j need to be positive. The key tools in the proofs are integro-local limit theorems and large deviation bounds. For the jump distribution F , we consider conditions of four types: (a) the second moment of ξ j is finite, (b) F belongs to the domain of attraction of a stable law, (c) the tails of F belong to the class of the so-called locally regularly varying functions, (d) F satisfies the moment Cramér condition. Regarding the weights, in cases (a)-(c) we assume that {a n } is a so-called ψ-locally constant on average sequence, ψ(n) being the scaling factor ensuring convergence of the distributions of (S n − µn)/ψ(n) to the respective stable law. In case (d) we consider sequences of weights of the form a n = b n e qn , where {b n } has the properties assumed about the sequence {a n } in cases (a)-(c) for ψ(n) = √ n.