It is fashionable nowadays to laud such innovative professional practices as teachers researching their own practice, using action research, referencing data to inform improved practice, tailoring innovation to the particularities of context, and pursuing equity through policy and practice. Yet, all of these were compellingly advocated by Lawrence Stenhouse (1975) nearly half a century ago. With the march of time, it is easy for today's educators to overlook his foresight and legacy.Unfortunately, Stenhouse's prescient foundational thinking was by no means complete, as he met a premature and untimely early death in the 1980s. However, his pioneering work bringing research and practice together was decades ahead of its time, and his seminal contributions to many of the issues at the fore-front of teacher professional development and practice today reflect his continuing relevance. While reminding ourselves of our indebtedness to him, we also have a responsibility to build on the foundations he left.These foundations are rich and diverse. First, in addressing the question, what counts as research? -Stenhouse broke convention in legitimising classroom modes of inquiry to fit alongside conventional academic research. His self-addressed questions included, how can collaboration occur between academic researchers and teacher researchers so that research is useful to practitioners as well as adding to the knowledge base? Second, the central theme of his work was the idea that knowledge was the route to emancipation for both students and teachers. Through acquiring knowledge, teachers and learners came to a better understanding of the world, which in turn enabled them to make better personal and professional decisions.Consequently, he was against objectives-based curricula, believing that students and teachers should have more rather than less control over the curriculum. Third, he was all too aware of the authority, control and power structures involved in educational research, arguing that it should be academics justifying their research projects to teachers rather than vice versa.Fourth, he championed the influence of context in modifying how the same policy or practice 2 might play out differently. He rejected the traditional research caveat, 'other things being equal' because, he said, they never were! Lastly, at the time of his death, he was on the verge of some major breakthroughs, the consequence of which left many questions unanswered:How would collaborative research best work between teachers and academics? How could practitioner research fulfil (his) requirements of being systematic, planned, rigorous and selfcritical? What exactly is the role of theory in action research?Stenhouse's ideas and questions are just as apposite in today's arena of teacher research and professional development, collaborative practitioner-academic research, professional learning communities and associated ideas. The aims of this paper are to extend and articulate many of the precepts and principles first enunciated by Lawrence Sten...