“…Furtherinore, it is known [9] that the Ultrafilter Principle is independent of the axioms of ZERMELO-FRAENKEL (ZF) set theory (without the Axiom of Choice). Different versions of RADO'S lernma were subsequently and independently discovered by LoS and RYLL-NARDZEWSKI [ 171, ENGELER [7], and ROBINSON [SS].I n Section 2 of this paper two dtiitional selection lemmas are introduced.The first generalizes a coinbinatori;tl theorem of COWEN [6] and RICE [27]. I\-e supplement the results of COWEN [6] and sliow in a self contained way that the various selection lemmns, except RADO'S lemma, are all equivalent in ZF set theory to the Ultrafilter Principle.…”