Crystals of phosphobenzene A, m. p. 149-150°, are monoclinic with unit cell dimensions a = 9-742, b = 10.139, G = 27.488 A, p = 90.0". The space group is P21/n. The molecule is pentameric, (PC6H5)5, and contains a fivemembered ring of phosphorus atoms in the form of an equilateral pentagon with approximate symmetry m. To each phosphorus atom is attached one phenyl group. The structure has been refined by the least-squares method using threedimensional intensity data collected on a Hilger and Watts Linear Diffractometer.FOUR polyphosphines of formula (PC6Hs); have been reported.1-9 Of these, two are crystalline: A, m. p. 149-150",1-9 and B, m. p. 190".2~ 3 The other two forms have been presumed to be polymeric.3~8 This paper describes the structure of form A, m. p. of a single crystal recryst allised from acetonitrile 154-1 56" . l o Various molecular weight determinations in solution indicate that n = 2 (refs. 2, 3, 8) or n = 4 (refs. 4, 5, 9); however, in the crystalline state, n = 5, and compound A contains a five-membered ring of phosphorus atoms each of which also carries a phenyl group.lO EXPERIMENTAL C30H25P5.