Hydrogen abstraction from boron trimethyl has been studied using the abstracting radicals CF3 and CD3, from the photolysis of the corresponding ketones over the temperature range of 150° to 300°C. The following Arrhenius parameters were obtained:(CD3 + BME3); log A = 11.8, E = 9.98 kcal/mole (CFJ + BMe3); log A = 11.6, E = 6.59 kcal/moleThe difference E C D , -E C F , in the case of BMe3 is considered due, in part, to polar effects. An exchange reaction is proposed for both CF3 and CD3 in collisions with BMe3:Radical combination of CF3 and CH2BMe2 leads to a hot molecule which undergoes a 8-fluoro rearrangement elimination process, or a stabilized molecule which can thermally decompose:(CF3CH2BMe2) * -+ CF2CH2 + FBMe2