We (i) describe the complete Li -adduct mass spectrum of the CH4 microwave discharge plasma, obtained by ion attachment techniques, (ii) give evidence that many radicals are produced in the plasma, and (iii) present a preliminary spectral identification analysis. The identified species are C"Hz" (n =2-13), C"Hz"+l (n =2-13), C"H"(n =2,4, 5, 6), and so on. PACS number(s): 52.80.s, 35.20.WgIn order to demonstrate that a recent development of the Li+ ion attachment and quadrupole mass spectrometer technique for the sensitive detection of intermediate radicals will yield important data for various radical reactions, we have investigated the identi6cation of the principal radical species produced by the CH4 microwave (MW) discharge. We have succeeded in detecting various kinds of hydrocarbon polymer radicals, which were C"H2", (n =2-13), C"H2"+, (n =2-13), C"H"(n=2, 4, 5,6), and so on. The concurrent formation of these types of radials is experimental evidence on radical involvement in plasma-induced polymerization and may be characteristic of plasma, suggesting the importance of radical-molecule reactions in the plasma environment. Intermediate radicals have short lifetimes. Furthermore, their steady-state concentration in a reacting gas phase is sometimes low. The combination of small concentrations and short lifetimes has ofFered a real challenge to scientists [1].On the other hand, it has been widely recognized that neutral radical species are responsible for the plasma treatment [2-4], such as the deposition of hydrogenerated amorphous carbon thin films as well as crystal diamond films, the etching of highly integrated circuits, and surface graft polymerization.However, the difficulties of radical detection have hampered the development of insights into the process mechanisms.We believe that the present study concerns one of the most important problems that had to be resolved before the radical contribution to the total reaction schemes could be determined in plasma chemistry.The apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. A Shimadzu atmospheric pressure ionization quadrupole mass spectrometer with a Li+ ion attachment reaction chamber (RC) was used [5,6]. A stream of reaction products from a quartz discharge flow tube is directed into the alkali-metal ion attachment reaction chamber.The RC has a glass bead (Li+ emitter) which contains the alkali-metal oxide (lithium oxide in the present study) in an aluminosilicate matrix. By heating this bead, lithium ions are produced [7]. These parent ions, in turn, ionize the radical products (R ) by adduct formation (R+Li)+. (R+Li)+ complexes are formed by termolecular association reactions [8,9]. Parent-daughter ion cavity skimmer GH4 U 0 (R+Li) 0 0 lens glass lead (Li emitter) J I quadrupoles INW generator DP DP FIG.