The title compound, Cu(C10H;4N4)(C104)2, crystallizes in the triclinic system with unit cell dimensions a = 8.744, b = 8.022, c = 8.677 A, c~= 118.7, /3 =56.9, 3 `= 113.5 ~ , Z= 1, space group P1. The structure was solved by Fourier methods and refined by least-squares techniques using the 1545 nonzero three-dimensional counter-diffraction intensity data (Cu Kcx) to give a conventional R factor of 0.056. The coordination sphere of the copper ion is defined by a planar arrangement of the four nitrogen donors in the macrocyclic ligand with oxygen atoms from the perchlorate groups lying above and below this plane. The resulting tetragonally distorted octahedron of donor atoms gives interatomic distances Cu-N = 2.02(4) A and 2.02(3) A, and Cu-O = 2.57(4) A.