Oxidative modification of LDL may be important in the initiation and/or progression of atherosclerosis, but the precise mechanisms through which low density lipoprotein (LDL) is oxidized are unknown. Recently, evidence for the existence of HOCl-oxidized LDL in human atherosclerotic lesions has been reported, and myeloperoxidase (MPO), which is thought to act through production of HOCl, has been identified in human atherosclerotic lesions. In the present report we describe the formation of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH)-reactive modifications in the apolipoprotein (apo) by exposure of LDL to myeloperoxidase in vitro. In contrast with the complex mixture of peptides from oxidation of LDL with reagent HOCl, oxidation with MPO in vitro produced a major tryptic peptide showing absorbance at 365 nm. This peptide was isolated and characterized as VELEVPQL(*C)SFILK . . . , corresponding to amino acid residues 53-66 . . . on apoB-100. Mass spectrometric analyses of two tryptic peptides from oxidation of LDL by HOCl indicated formation of the corresponding methionine sulfoxide (M O), cysteinyl azo (*C), RS-N N-DNP, derivatives of EEL(*C)T(M O)FIR and LNDLNS VLV(M O)PTFHVPFTDLQVPS(*C)K, which suggest oxidation to the corresponding sulfinic acids (RSO 2 H) by HOCl.The present results demonstrate that DNPH-reactive modifications other than aldehydes and ketones can be formed in the oxidation of proteins and illustrate how characterization of specific products of protein oxidation can be useful in assessing the relative contributions of different and unexpected mechanisms to the oxidation of LDL and other target substrates. The data also suggest a direct interaction of the LDL particle with the active site on myeloperoxidase and indicate that effects of the protein microenvironment can greatly influence product formation and stability. -Yang, C-y.,