“…Although much of Riemannian geometry involves the study of the Levi-Civita connection, which is without torsion, in recent years connections which have torsion have played an important role in many developments. We refer, for example, to work on B-metrics [28,38,47,53], on almost hypercomplex geometries [46], on string theory [1,27,33,37], on spin geometries [39], on torsion-gravity [5,12,19,20,21,22,44,45,54], on contact geometries [2,28], on almost product manifolds [49], non-integrable geometries [3,9], on the non-commutative residue for manifolds with boundary [55], on Hermitian and anti-Hermitian geometry [48], CR geometry [17], hyper-Kähler with torsion supersymmetric sigma models [23,25,24,52], Einstein-Weyl gravity at the linearized level [16], Yang-Mills flow with torsion [34], ESK theories [14], double field theory [36], BRST theory [26], and the symplectic and elliptic geometries of gravity [13]. Perhaps surprisingly, even the 2-dimensional case is of interest; connections on surfaces have been used to construct new examples of pseudo-Riemannian metrics without a corresponding Riemannian counterpart [10,11,15,…”