Two-year-old coppice of black cottonwood and red alder, grown in pure culture and in mixture, were compared using terminal twigs and leafless shoots harvested in the winter. Terminal twigs were taken with buds intact; they were about 15 cm long. Leafless shoot samples included all above-ground components. In pure culture, dry weights of the leafless shoots per plant were similar for the two species. In mixture with alder, however, weight of the cottonwood plants was enhanced and that of alder was reduced, but neither response was statistically significant. Nutrient concentration, content per plant, and utilization varied by the plant tissues analyzed, cultural treatment (pure vs. mixed), and species. In general, nutrient concentrations were higher in the terminal twigs than in the leafless shoots of both species. Cultural treatment did not significantly affect nutrient concentration in cottonwood twigs or in the leafless shoots of either species. Concentrations of N and Fe were significantly higher and those of Mn were lower in twigs of mixed alder than in twigs of pure alder. Twigs of cottonwood were significantly higher than those of alder in concentration of P and Zn, and lower in N, Mn, and Cu. Compared with alder, cottonwood leafless shoots were significantly higher in concentration of Ca, but lower in N, S, Cu, and Mn. With few exceptions, nutrient content was highest in the shoots of the large plants of mixed cottonwood, intermediate in medium-sized pure cottonwood and pure alder, and lowest in the small mixed alder. Cottonwood was significantly more efficient than alder in use of N, S, and Cu, and less efficient in use of Ca. Some of the differences between cultural treatments and species may be associated directly or indirectly with the N 2-fixing ability of red alder. Mixed culture of the two species appears promising because of the increased growth of cottonwood. Planted separately in pure culture, the choice between cottonwood and alder may be determined, in part, by the nutritional status of the soil where plantations are established.