Abstract. Brizolis asked for which primes p greater than 3 does there exist a pair (g, h) such that h is a fixed point of the discrete exponential map with base g, or equivalently h is a fixed point of the discrete logarithm with base g. Zhang (1995) and Cobeli and Zaharescu (1999) answered with a "yes" for sufficiently large primes and gave estimates for the number of such pairs when g and h are primitive roots modulo p. In 2000, Campbell showed that the answer to Brizolis was "yes" for all primes. The first author has extended this question to questions about counting fixed points, two-cycles, and collisions of the discrete exponential map. In this paper, we use p-adic methods, primarily Hensel's lemma and p-adic interpolation, to count fixed points, two cycles, collisions, and solutions to related equations modulo powers of a prime p.