The invasive chinese slug Meghimatiumpictum (Stoliczka, 1873) (Stylommathophora: Philomycidae) is originally from Asia, and it has been introduced in Latin American countries like Argentina and Brazil, where it is considered a critical horticultural pest. This species also became an intermediate host for the nematode AngiostrongyluscostaricensisMorera&Cespedes, 1971(Strongylida: Metastrongylidae), which can cause abdominal angiostrongyliasis in humans when ingested molluscs or their mucus containing larvae released on fruit and vegetables. This research aimed to investigate the biological parameters of the life cycle of M. pictum and evaluate its food preference to understand the species’ behavior and provide information on the choice of safer pest management and control methods. We observed that 68 and 75% of the grouped and isolated slugs, respectively, survived 26 weeks (180 days) under laboratory conditions. In addition, the individuals kept isolated had higher body mass (2.8 ± 0.6 g), length (3.3 ± 0.8 cm), and width (0.37 ± 0.3 cm) than grouped specimens. We also found that M. pictum has indeterminate growth and an annual reproductive cycle. Concerning food preference, slugs better accepted lettuce at different developmental stages (neonate, juvenile, and adult). Our study presents the first description of the M. pictum life cycle. We concluded that M. pictum has undefined biological parameters, which hampers its laboratory rearing. However, we also demonstrate its potential as a pest for different horticultural crops, which will require the development of management strategies.