Background: Representatives of the Campanulaceae family are widespread in Azerbaijan. These plants are rich in biologically active compounds such as flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, coumarins, etc. Objectives: This work presents histo-anatomical research on crosssections of the root, stem, leaf and petal of Campanula saxifraga subsp. meyeriana (Rupr.) Ogan. Materials and Methods: Endemic in the Caucasus, these sub-species inhabit the subalpine zone. The plant grows on horizontal rock crevices in the village of Gryz, the Guba region of Azerbaijan. Blocks were prepared according to the generally accepted methods in electron microscopy. Results: The microscopic examination of the cross-section of the stem revealed that the cortex is composed of 8-10 layers of collenchyma and laticifers are seen between the endoderm layer and the phloem. The conductive tissue is in two coextensive rings on the cross-section of the root, and laticifers are detected in the cortex. The leaf has a bifacial structure. On the cross-section of the petal, the mesophilic layer is poorly developed.
Conclusion:The microscopic examination provides a basis to determine the identity of C. saxifraga subsp. meyeriana (Rupr.) Ogan.