some values of the total angular momentum consistent with reaction,
the title processes involve nonreactive trajectories proceeding through
a single rebound mechanism during which the internal motion of the
reagent diatom is nearly unperturbed. When such paths are in a significant
amount, the classical reaction probability is found to be markedly
lower than the quantum mechanical one. This finding was recently attributed
to an unusual quantum effect called diffraction-mediated trapping,
and a semiclassical correction was proposed in order to take into
account this effect in the classical trajectory method. In the present
work, we apply the resulting approach to the calculation of opacity
functions as well as total and state-resolved integral cross sections
(ICSs) and compare the values obtained with exact quantum ones, most
of which are new. As the title reactions proceed through a deep insertion
well, mean potential statistical calculations are also presented.
Seven values of the collision energy, ranging from 30 to 1127 K, are
considered. Two remarkable facts stand out: (i) The corrected classical
treatment strongly improves the accuracy of the opacity function as
compared to the usual classical treatment. When the entrance transition
state is tight, however, those trajectories crossing it with a bending
vibrational energy below the zero point energy must be discarded.
(ii) The quantum opacity function, particularly its cutoff, is finely
reproduced by the statistical approach. Consequently, the total ICS
is also very well described by the two previous approximate methods.
These, however, do not predict state-resolved ICSs with the same accuracy,
proving thereby that (i) one or several genuine quantum effects involved
in the dynamics are missed by the corrected classical treatment and
(ii) the dynamics are not fully statistical.