Abstract. The aim of the present paper is to obtain common fixed point theorems under a strict contractive condition by assuming minimal commutativity conditions. Our theorems extend the results due to Pant and Pant [4]. In the setting of our results, we also provide pair of mappings which ensures the existence of a common fixed point; however, both the mappings are discontinuous at the common fixed point. We, thus, provide one more answer to the problem of Rhoades [10]. In the last section, we apply our results to solve an eigenvalue problem.
IntroductionIn 1986, Jungck [3] generalized the notion of weak commutativity by introducing the concept of compatible maps. Two selfmaps f and g of a metric space X are called compatible if lim n d(f gx n , gf x n ) = 0, whenever {x n } is a sequence in X such that lim n f x n = lim n gx n = t for some t ∈ X. It follows that the maps f and g are called noncompatible if they are not compatible. Thus f and g will be noncompatible if there exists at least one sequence {x n } such that lim n f x n = lim n gx n = t for some t ∈ X but lim n d(f gx n , gf x n ) is either non-zero or non-existent.In the study of common fixed points of compatible mappings we often require assumptions on the completeness of the space or continuity of the mappings involved, besides some contractive condition, but, the study of fixed points of noncompatible mappings can be extended to the class of nonexpansive or Lipschitz type mapping pairs even without assuming continuity of the mappings involved or completeness of the space.In 1994, Pant [6] defined the notion of R-weakly commuting mappings. Two maps A and S are called R-weakly commuting at a point x if d(ASx, SAx) ≤ Rd(Ax, Sx) for some R > 0. A and S are called pointwise 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H25.