We would like to thank the Leverhulme Trust for supporting the project which gave rise to this investigation. We would also like to thank the Editor, Peter Pope, and an anonymous referee for their constructive and helpful comments on an earlier draft of the paper.
Constructing and Testing Alternative Versions of the Fama-French and Momentum Portfolios and Factors in the UK
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to construct and test alternative versions of the Fama-French and Carhart models for the UK market. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of such models, forming risk factors using approaches advanced in the recent literature including value weighted factor components and various decompositions of the risk factors. We also test whether such factor models can at least explain the returns of large firms. Despite these various approaches, we join Michou, Mouselli and Stark (2007) and Fletcher (2010) in demonstrating that such factor models fail to reliably describe the cross-section of returns in the UK.