The goal of this paper is to extend the modified Hestenes-Stiefel method to solve large-scale nonlinear monotone equations. The method is presented by combining the hyperplane projection method (Solodov, M.V.; Svaiter, B.F. A globally convergent inexact Newton method for systems of monotone equations, in: M. Fukushima, L. Qi (Eds.)Reformulation: Nonsmooth, Piecewise Smooth, Semismooth and Smoothing Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998, 355-369) and the modified Hestenes-Stiefel method in Dai and Wen (Dai, Z.; Wen, F. Global convergence of a modified Hestenes-Stiefel nonlinear conjugate gradient method with Armijo line search. Numer Algor. 2012, 59, 79-93). In addition, we propose a new line search for the derivative-free method. Global convergence of the proposed method is established if the system of nonlinear equations are Lipschitz continuous and monotone. Preliminary numerical results are given to test the effectiveness of the proposed method.