In his Old English grammar, A. Campbell put forward his theory of Old English accentuation, according to which disyllabic words like Bēowulf and ǣniġ receive a half-stress only if made trisyllabic by the addition of an inflection (as in Bēowulfes or ǣniġra), provided the middle syllable is heavy. A. J. Bliss tacitly rejected Campbell’s analysis when he postulated the existence of metrical type 3B2, a rare rhythmical pattern in which trisyllabic forms like Bēowulfes and ǣniġra must exceptionally be assumed to lose their otherwise conventional half-stress. Bliss based his analysis on the evidence afforded by four readings from the text of Beowulf: ll. 501b, 932b, 949b, and 1830b. Even though Bliss expressed reservations about his own analysis, he still preferred it to the alternative possibility of emending these four exceptional verses (a possibility that he did not even consider in his book). Non-metrical arguments in support of the emendation of at least one of these verses (1830b), however, had been advanced well before The metre of Beowulf was first published. Since then, ll. 932b and 949b have also been emended on grounds other than metre. This article offers new linguistic reasons for the emendation of l. 501b, the one remaining reading for which no alternative explanation had yet been proposed. It concludes that Bliss was unnecessarily cautious in his treatment of these four aberrant verses, and that, as Kenneth Sisam memorably stated in 1946, conjectural emendation is, and still remains, a useful tool for the study of Old English poetical manuscripts.