“…• From the data of Richman (1958) and Ketchum and Redfield (1949) the average caloric value of 7 cultures of chlorophyceae, representing 6 species from 4 genera including Chlamydomonas, was 5,230 calories per gram of dry weight, with the range from 5,158 cal/g to 5,507 cal/g, Ketchum and Redfield found the average dry weight per unit volume of -4 3 algal cells in their 6 cultures to be 2,305 x 10 g/mm . I foimd the average red cell diameter in sample 1 to be 16,4 |j," so, treating it as a sphere, the average red cell volume is 2,32 x 10"^ mm , The average red cell dimensions in sample 17 were 14,6 |j, long by 10,7 |j, wide, so, treating these as ellipsoids of revolution, the average volume of an ovoid red -7 3 cell is 8,74 x 10 mm , The average measurements of the clear and green elongate cells (mostly Scotiella nivalis) from several samples were 18,36 |ji long by 9,26 |j, wide, so, treating these cells as ellipsoids of -7 3 revolution, the average cell volume was 8,3 x 10 mm .…”