Modern technologies for applying artificial shells are based on the principles of rolling or granulating with subsequent drying. This technology does not allow to get a gas - permeable porous shell, which often leads to the death of seeds during the formation of the shell, storage and transportation, and slow growth at the early stages of plant development. The aim of the research is to develop a new method and device for pre-sowing treatment of agricultural seeds, which can increase their germination, germination energy and ensure crop growth. A distinctive feature of the new method is that the shell is formed not by rolling, but by molding around the seed, followed by drying in a soft mode. This will form a porous, gas-permeable structure around the seed. Based on the mathematical description of the processes occurring during the introduction of seeds into the nutrient medium, the design calculations and calculations made a laboratory stand for the study of the seeds coating with a protective and nutritious shell, which consists of a mixing, sealing and seeding nodes. A series of experiments was conducted to study the operation of the stand in various modes. Optimal operating modes are identified.