A wilt-inducing peptidorhamnomannan produced by Ceratocystis ubni, the causative agent In Dutch Elm disease, has been subjected to additional chemical and physical characterization. Gel filtration, reductive 13 elimination, hydrofluoric acid deglycosylation, and ultracentrifugation experiments provide evidence that the wilt-inducing polymer is Vascular wilt diseases in plants result from impaired fluid transport and are caused by both bacteria and fungi (8, 11,21). In several cases, the causative organism produces in culture, large carbohydrate-containing macromolecules which are suggested as potentiators of the impaired transport, because they induce wilt symptoms in stem cuttings. For instance, Corynebacterium insidiosum, the bacterial wilt pathogen of alfalfa, produces a large fucose-rich peptidopolysaccharide which has also been isolated from diseased plants (18). A previous report from this laboratory described the isolation and partial characterization of a peptidorhamnomannan toxin prepared from culture filtrates of Ceratocystis ulmi, the Dutch Elm disease pathogen (19). This polymer also induces wilt symptoms in stem cuttings. Purification of the toxin was clearly correlated on a specific activity basis with wiltinducing capability (21). The present report extends previous information on the structure and describes the production of antibodies directed against both C. ulmi and the peptidorhamno- Supelcoport (80-100 mesh) was purchased from Supelco, Inc. D-[U-14CJGlucose was obtained from New England Nuclear. BioGel polyacrylamide gels were from Bio-Rad Laboratories. Fluorescamine was obtained from Hoffman-LaRoche and scintillation fluid (Biofluor) from Packard Instruments. Potato dextrose agar was purchased from Difco, Inc.
METHODSCarbohydrate was determined by the phenolsulfuric acid assay (9) with a standard composed of mannose and rhamnose in a 2:1 molar ratio and protein by the method of Lowry et al. (14) using a BSA standard or by measurement of A of peptide bonds at 208 nm. The amino acid analysis was conducted by AAA Laboratories, Seattle, WA. Sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation for molecular weight determinations was conducted according to Yphantis (24) using a double sector cell in a Beckman model E ultracentrifuge equipped with interference optics.Reductive f8 elimination of the peptidorhamnomannan was accomplished with alkaline borohydride (6). Twenty mg toxin was incubated in 4 ml 50 mm NaOH, 1 M NaBH4 for 16 h at 55 C. The reaction mixture was neutralized with Dowex 50 (H+) filtered and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. Boric acid was then removed by repeated co-distillation of methylborate with methanol also under reduced pressure. Deglycosylation was performed using anhydrous hydrofluoric acid according to Mort and Lamport (17). SDS gel electrophoresis ofproteins was carried out on 10o gel slabs essentially as described by Weber et al. (23) using Coomassie Blue to detect the standards. Fluorescamine labeling of protein was accomplished by the procedure of Bohlen ...