the the posterior groiip of the iipper iinsi1l awessoi.y air cells, namely, the etlimoidal ;iiitl sphenoitlal siniises. SIiic-11 i i t l~e i .~ c1.i ticism has been levelled iigiiinst the piwailing siirgicnl treatment of these particiilar siniixes, for, oil tlie whole, resiilts liiive iiot been siitisf:lctory; the c~iticisni has tlierefoiv been jiistitietl.The rhinologist for some time has liad to contend with w;iriiings to siifferers froin these coniplaiiits, even by llietlicill meii, siicli as "Never liave youi. siniises ollei'iitetl iipo11, b e c ; i~i~e , o i i (~ startetl, i t is ii never-eiitliiig process." This all-too f i q i i e n t c x p~~e s s i o~i of 01)iiiioii has come iiboiit beciiiise the ti.e;itment of the sphenoit1:ll :iii(l etlinioitlal cells liiis not received the tletniletl attention tliiit 11;is k e n giveii t o that of the 11ii1xill>1iay ant1 tlie f i w i t i i 1 si 1111 ses.liliinologists not infiw~iiently meet with I)atirnts who hiiw been siibjec-trtl to niiiiieroiis operations npon these siniises withoiit obtaining relief of their syinptonis, and I 1i;tve beeii consiiltrtl by patielits who ha\ e hat1 as inaiiy a s ten i111tl I I~O I T i~i t~i i i t~i t l ol)c.rilt ions 111)011 tliesc cells, aiitl ~1 1 0 W~I T st ill sii ff'e~iii g fi*oni the tlebi 1 i t:i t i ng ii 11 tl tlepimsi n g con tl i t ions chii ra cte1.i sti (5 of t 11 e diseiise.It is because ~v e liave now ;it oiir ('01111iiii11(1 Ik~~thOtlS of siirgiciil inlerfei.e1ice tliiit iii 1iIost ciises 1)iwniise siitisfactoiy 1*esi1ltx tliixt 1 welcorilc~ the op~,oi~tiinity of 1)resen ting a coiitribiition on this important siibject, 1iol)iiig ;it Iwst t o (lo so~iietliing iii the et1iic;itioii of the profession to the facts tlliit satisfactory exeiiter;itioii of these cells i i i cliroiiic tlisensetl states can be broiiglit ahoiit by ;ippropriatr opc~atiotis, ;rntl that in neiii.