In the previous work we discovered a possible correlation between seismic activity in West Bohemia (Czech Rep.) and electromagnetic emission (hereafter EME) during earthquake swarm in 2008 year (frequency range of observation: 0.2-10 Hz). Since then the EME observation has been continuing for 5 years. We present new results of EME observation during two consecutive swarms (in years 2011 and 2013)-we have to conclude, that the statistical correlation observed during 2008 year swarm was observed only partly and weakly for 2011 year swarm and it was not confirmed for the 2013 year swarm. We are not able to explain observed fact (due to heuristic and statistical character of original hypotheses), it can be an accidental correlation (in 2008 year), but the effect could also vanish for weaker swarms (i.e. for 2011 year and especially for 2013 year), or it could be an effect of different medium property round the hypocenters (the seismic activity migrates to the north with time).