It is suggested that there is a close analogy between the statistical error of local characteristics in a MonteCarlo calculation of a large reactor and random deviations of the multiplication properties of these cells from a nominal value within technological tolerance limits. It is well-known that the latter result in global and strongly correlated deformations of the neutron field which are especially noticeable in large reactors. The scale of the deformations, or the statistical error, of the neutron field is determined by a formula obtained from an analysis of the influence of technological tolerances. Model Monte Carlo calculations confirm that this analogy is correct.The efficiency of computers and the possibilities of programs for performing neutron-physical calculations by the Monte Carlo method have reached a high level. These advances make possible Monte Carlo calculations of large reactors on a larger scale. Analysis of the results of such calculations has raised several questions [1][2][3]]. An answer to one of them, concerning the statistical error of the neutron fluxes, is proposed in the present paper.We note that in the terminology used by specialists reactors whose core size is much greater than migration length of neutrons in the core are said to be large. Specifically, S >> M 2 , where S is the area of a horizontal section of the core and M 2 is the migration area of neutrons in the core. It is this ratio that is responsible for the feature which is undesirable in Monte Carlo calculations. In addition, it is assumed in the discussions below that the core consists of elements with transverse section of the same size. In light-water reactors (VVÉR, PWR), such elements are called fuel assemblies, and in reactors with graphite (RBMK) or heavy water (CANDU) coolant they are called cells. We shall use the latter term below. The area S cell of the transverse cross-section of a cell is close to M 2 , i.e., S cell~ M 2 .(1)This means that most neutrons created in a cell are also absorbed in it. We shall denote by N cell the number of cells in the core. On this basis N cell >> 1.We note that in reactors the dominant ratio of the neutron generation operator differs from 1 by the ratio ~M 2 /S, which under conditions (1) and (2) is much less than 1 -the cases studied in [1].Let us consider a two-dimensional reactor with a square core consisting of identical cells. This simplification will not result in loss of generality of the conclusions drawn below, but it will make it possible to drop details which are not important in this case. We shall assume that the reflection boundary condition holds at the core boundary, and we shall calculate such a reactor by the Monte Carlo method with N h histories. This means that an idea of the properties of the reactor will be