Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine (AcCho) receptors composed of ␣7-subunits (␣7-AcChoRs) are involved in many physiological activities. Nevertheless, very little is known about their singlechannel characteristics. By using outside-out patch-clamp recordings from Xenopus oocytes expressing wild-type (wt) ␣7-AcChoRs, we identified two classes of channel conductance: a low conductance (␥L) of 72 pS and a high one (␥H) of 87 pS, with mean open-times (op) of 0.6 ms. The same classes of conductances, but longer op (3 ms), were seen in experiments with chimeric ␣7 receptors in which the wt␣7 extracellular C terminus was fused to the green fluorescent protein (wt␣7-GFP AcChoRs). In contrast, channels with three different conductances were gated by AcCho in oocytes expressing ␣7 receptors carrying a Leu-to-Thr 248 mutation (mut␣7) or oocytes expressing chimeric mut␣7-GFP receptors. These conductance levels were significantly smaller, and their mean open-times were larger, than those of wt␣7-AcChoRs. Interestingly, in the absence of AcCho, these oocytes showed single-channel openings of the same conductances, but shorter op, than those activated by AcCho. Accordingly, human homomeric wt␣7 receptors open channels of high conductance and brief lifetime, and fusion to GFP lengthens their lifetime. In contrast, mut␣7 receptors open channels of lower conductance and longer lifetime than those gated by wt␣7-AcChoRs, and these parameters are not greatly altered by fusing the mut␣7 to GFP. All this evidence shows that GFP-tagging can alter importantly receptor kinetics, a fact that has to be taken into account whenever tagged proteins are used to study their function. N euronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AcChoRs) are pentameric proteins that constitute a family of ligand-gated ion channels, which are widely distributed in the mammalian brain and are built by combinations of ␣-and -subunits (heteromeric AcChoRs) or by an assembly of ␣-subunits (homomeric AcChoRs). In particular, AcChoRs composed of ␣7-subunits (␣7 AcChoRs) are believed to be involved in various physiological activities: acting presynaptically to modulate neurotransmitter release (1); acting postsynaptically to generate postsynaptic currents (2, 3); and in cognitive functions, development, pain, and aging (4-7). Moreover, ␣7-AcChoRs exhibit unusual properties, such as (i) sensitivity to ␣-bungarotoxin (␣-BuTx) (8) and -amyloid peptide (9); (ii) having a highly Ca 2ϩ permeability (10, 11); (iii) exerting striking antiapoptotic effects on central nervous system nerve cells (12); and (iv) transducing signals to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (13). Despite this pleiotropic action, relatively little is known on the behavior of the ␣7-containing AcChoR channels expressed in native nerve cells (14-17) and nothing is known about the channel kinetics of human homomeric ␣7-AcChoRs. To begin to fill this deficiency, we made single-channel recordings in outside-out patches from human homomeric ␣7-AcChoRs expressed in Xenopus oocytes.To facilitate their study, ligand-ga...