The stability of halophilic malate dehydrogenase increases with increasing salt concentration and with decrease in temperature. Stabilization by various salts, at high salt concentrations, follows the Hofmeister series. The enzyme inactivation rates closely match dissociation of the dimeric enzymes into monomeric subunits and unfolding of the polypeptide chains, as followed by velocity sedimentation, light. scattering and circular dichroism measurements. The a-helix content goes to zero upon denaturation. Unusual water and salt binding properties of the native enzyme (cf. preceding paper, in this journal) are believed to be largely lost upon enzyme dissociation and unfolding. These properties thus seem to be associated with the intact structure of the enzyme.In our previous work [l] we have shown that, although malate dehydrogenase (h) becomes unstable at NaCl concentrations lower than about 2.5 M, enzyme activity and structure is maintained for short times at NaCl concentrations as low as 1 M. It was therefore possible to provide a description of the properties of the active enzyme over the NaCl concentration range 1-5 M, by performing a series of diffusion, sedimentation and circular dichroism experiments. These essentially could be considered as being performed at 'zero time', before any significant changes in enzymatic activity or conformation arises.The recent striking observation resulting from the above work is the fact that malate dehydrogenase (h), as well as glutamate dehydrogenase (h), complex in striking fashion with large amounts of both water and salt. Concepts relating to 'binding' of low-molecular-weight components to large particles in solution are largely operational and different methods may yield different results. We have used an approach based on volume exclusion, as manifested by density increments at specified compositions and thermodynamic potentials of water and salt [2,3]. This concept has previously yielded reasonable values for hydration and interaction with salts of DNA and of non-halophilic proteins [l]. The behavior of the halophilic enzymes is distinctly different from that of the non-halophilic macromolecules examined. We shall present evidence in the present work to suggest that these unusual hydration and salt binding characteristics are largely lost when malate dehydrogenase (h) dissociates and unfolds. An indication is thus provided for a mechanism of adaptation to extreme conditions of high salt concentration which is dependent on the intactness of the active enzyme structure.Ahbreviaiions. Malate dehydrogenase (h), halophilic malate dchydrogenase; glutamate dehydrogenase (h), halophilic glutamate dehydrogenase.Enzymes. Malate dehydrogenase (EC; glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] (EC an earlier investigation Mevarech and Neumann [4] described the reversible inactivation of malate dehydrogenase (h) at low NaCl concentration. They suggested that inactivation of the dimeric enzyme involved dissociation into two subunits, since the kinetics of reactivation...