In two studies, obese women were treated in a behavior modification program for overeating, in Study 1 for 8 weeks and in Study 2 for 12 weeks. In both studies, the behavior programs were accompanied by subliminal stimulation, with half of the subjects receiving the verbal message MOMMY AND i ARE ONE, intended to stimulate symbiotic gratification fantasies, and the other half, a control message. Weight loss was measured at the end of the program and at follow-up times; in Study 1, 4 weeks after termination and in Study 2, at 4 and 12 weeks posttermination. In both studies the symbiotic condition gave evidence of enhancing weight loss, though it was only at follow-up that the difference between the groups attained statistical significance. This finding, when viewed in conjunction with results from earlier studies of schizophrenics and insect phobics, supports the proposition that the subliminal stimulation of symbiotic fantasies can enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions of various kinds.