Since its birth in the early twentieth century, quantum mechanics raised a number of questions and problems, many of which are still a source of lively debate. The attempts to address those issues have led to a multiplicity of interpretations and theoretical developments which have enriched the scientific knowledge about the theory. Perhaps the problem most discussed in this context is the socalled quantum measurement problem, based on the theoretical difficulty to explain how measuring devices with classical pointers are able to produce results when acting on quantum systems (von Neumann 1932, Ballentine 1990, Bub 1997). Another question that has been the subject of intensive research is the problem of the classical limit of quantum mechanics (Bohm 1951, Schlosshauer 2007). According the correspondence principle (Bohr 1920; for a recent discussion, see Bokulich 2014), there should be a limiting procedure that accounts for the classical behavior of a system in terms of the laws of quantum mechanics. The problem of classical limit consists in explaining how the classical realm "emerges" from the quantum domain. The two problems just mentioned have something in common: both point to the need for finding a link between the classical and the quantum world. Along the history of quantum mechanics, the classical limit has been approached from many different perspectives, such as those given by the Ehrenfest theorem (Ehrenfest 1927), the Wigner transform (Wigner 1932) and the deformation theory (Bayen et al. 1977, 1978). Traditionally, the problem was conceived as a matter of intertheory relation: classical mechanics should be obtained from quantum mechanics by means of the application of a mathematical limit, in a way analogous to the way in which the classical equations of motion are obtained from special relativity. However, this approach has been weakening over the past decades: at present it is recognized that the classical limit also involves some kind of physical process, which transforms the quantum states in such a way that they finally can be interpreted as classical states. This process is now known as quantum decoherence. One the main features of quantum mechanics is the superposition principle, which leads to the phenomenon of quantum interference, without classical analogue. Decoherence is viewed as a process that cancels interference and selects the candidates to classical states. The cancellation of