In order to assess the reliability of a complex industrial system by simulation, and in reasonable time, variance reduction methods such as importance sampling can be used. We propose an adaptation of this method for a class of multi-component dynamical systems which are modeled by piecewise deterministic Markovian processes (PDMP). We show how to adapt the importance sampling method to PDMP, by introducing a reference measure on the trajectory space. This reference measure makes it possible to identify the admissible importance processes. Then we derive the characteristics of an optimal importance process, and present a convenient and explicit way to build an importance process based on theses characteristics. A simulation study compares our importance sampling method to the crude Monte-Carlo method on a three-component systems. The variance reduction obtained in the simulation study is quite spectacular.1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60K10;90B25;62N05.The dates will be set by the publisher.
A model based on a PDMPDue to the complexity of the systems the reliability analysis is often done through an event tree analysis [4] which requires static approximations of the system, and relies on conservative approximations. With the development of computational capacities, it is now possible to consider more accurate tools for reliability