The shape of the human red blood cell is known to be a biconcave disk. It is evident from a variety of theoretical work that known physical properties of the membrane, such as its bending energy and elasticity, can explain the red-blood-cell biconcave shape as well as other shapes that red blood cells assume. But these analyses do not provide information on the underlying molecular causes. This paper describes experiments that attempt to identify some of the underlying determinates of cell shape. To this end, red-blood-cell ghosts were made by hypotonic hemolysis and then reconstituted such that they were smooth spheres in hypo-osmotic solutions and smooth biconcave discs in iso-osmotic solutions. The spherical ghosts were centrifuged onto a coated coverslip upon which they adhered. When the attached spheres were changed to biconcave discs by flushing with an iso-osmotic solution, the ghosts were observed to be mainly oriented in a flat alignment on the coverslip. This was interpreted to mean that, during centrifugation, the spherical ghosts were oriented by a dense band in its equatorial plane, parallel to the centrifugal field. This appears to be evidence that the difference in the densities between the rim and the dimple regions of red blood cells and their ghosts may be responsible for their biconcave ghosts | membrane/cytoskeletal complex | biconcave discs | spheres T his paper is concerned with identifying a possible determinant responsible for the biconcave shape of human red blood cells (RBCs). Although RBCs ("globules") were first discovered in the latter part of the 17th century (1), it was not until 1827 that they were definitively shown by Hodgkin and Lister (2) to be biconcave discs. Since that time much has been learned about RBC composition (3), in particular identification of its membrane/cytoskeletal (M/CS) elements and structure (4). Our particular interest focuses on whether the symmetry of the M/CS is the same or different between the cell's dimple and rim regions. If different, such an observation might provide insight into the structural basis for the cell's biconcave shape. The approach used was to centrifuge hypotonically sphered red-blood-cell ghosts onto a coverslip upon which they adhered. The question was, what was the orientation of the stuck ghosts when they were made into biconcave discs upon exposure to an isotonic solution?It is important to mention that others have used a quite different approach to understand the basis for the red blood cell's biconcave shape. These types of studies have used solutions of theoretical models that are mainly based on the red blood cell's known physical parameters, such as the membrane's bending energy and elastic properties (e.g., 5-11) in addition to lateral inhomogeneities in the M/CS (12). These analyses have remarkably generated not only the cell's biconcave shape but also many other types of shapes that the cells are known to assume. Thus, they provide insight into and understanding of the types of forces that characteri...