Let C be a finite tensor category, and let M be an exact left Cmodule category. The action of C on M induces a functor ρ : C → Rex(M), where Rex(M) is the category of k-linear right exact endofunctors on M.Our key observation is that ρ has a right adjoint ρ ra given by the endAs an application, we establish the following results: (1) We give a description of the composition of the induction functor C * M → Z(C * M ) and Schauenburg's equivalence Z(C * M ) ≈ Z(C).(2) We introduce the space CF(M) of 'class functions' of M and initiate the character theory for pivotal module categories.(3) We introduce a filtration for CF(M) and discuss its relation with some ringtheoretic notions, such as the Reynolds ideal and its generalizations. (4) We show that Ext • C (1, ρ ra (id M )) is isomorphic to the Hochschild cohomology of M. As an application, we show that the modular group acts projectively on the Hochschild cohomology of a modular tensor category. 4 K. SHIMIZU 2. Preliminaries 2.1. Ends and coends. For basic theory on categories, we refer the reader to the book of Mac Lane [ML98]. Let C and D be categories, and let S and T be functorsAn end of S is an object E ∈ D equipped with a dinatural transformation π : E → S that is universal in a certain sense (here the object E is regarded as a constant functor from C op × C to D). Dually, a coend of T is an object C ∈ D equipped with a 'universal' dinatural transformation from T to C. An end of S and a coend of T are denoted by X∈C S(X, X) and X∈C T (X, X),
respectively.A (co)end does not exist in general. We note the following useful criteria for the existence of (co)ends. Suppose that C is essentially small. Let C, D and S be as above. Since the category Set of all sets is complete, the end S ♮ (W ) := X∈C Hom D (W, S(X, X)) exists for each object W ∈ D. By the parameter theorem for ends [ML98, XI.7], we extend the assignment W → S ♮ (W ) to the contravariant functor S ♮ : D → Set. The following lemma is the dual of [Shi17c, Lemma 3.1]. Lemma 2.1. An end of S exists if and only if S ♮ is representable.We also note the following lemma: Lemma 2.2. Let A, B and V be categories, and let L : A → B, R : B → A and H : B op × A → V be functors. Suppose that L is left adjoint to R. Then we have an isomorphismmeaning that if either one of these ends exists, then both exist and they are canonically isomorphic.This lemma is the dual of [BV12, Lemma 3.9]. For later use, we recall the construction of the canonical isomorphism (2.1). Let E and E ′ be the left and the right hand side of (2.1), respectively, and letbe the respective universal dinatural transformations. We assume that (L, R) is an adjoint pair with unit η : id D → RL and counit ε : LR → id C . By the universal property of E, there is a unique morphism α :for all objects V ∈ A. Similarly, by the universal property of E ′ , there is a unique morphism β : E → E ′ satisfying π ′ (W ) • β = π(R(W )) • H(id R(W ) , ε W ) for all objects W ∈ B. By the zigzag identities and the dinaturality of π and π ′ , one can verify that α and...