Many entanglement measures are first defined for pure states of a bipartite Hilbert space, and then extended to mixed states via the convex roof extension. In this article we alter the convex roof extension of an entanglement measure, to produce a sequence of extensions that we call f -d extensions, for d ∈ N, where f : [0, 1] → [0, ∞) is a fixed continuous function which vanishes only at zero. We prove that for any such function f , and any continuous, faithful, non-negative function, (such as an entanglement measure), µ on the set of pure states of a finite dimensional bipartite Hilbert space, the collection of f -d extensions of µ detects entanglement, i.e. a mixed state ρ on a finite dimensional bipartite Hilbert space is separable, if and only if there exists d ∈ N such that the f -d extension of µ applied to ρ is equal to zero. We introduce a quantum variational algorithm which aims to approximate the f -d extensions of entanglement measures defined on pure states. However, the algorithm does have its drawbacks. We show that this algorithm exhibits barren plateaus when used to approximate the family of f -d extensions of the Tsalis entanglement entropy for a certain function f .