According to Bourbaki [1, Exercise 11], a left (resp. right) ^-module M i s said to be pseudo-coherent if every finitely generated submodule of M is finitely presented, and is said to be coherent if it is both pseudo-coherent and finitely generated. This Bourbaki reference contains various results on pseudo-coherent and coherent modules. Then, in [1, p. 63, Exercise 12], a ring which as a left (resp. right) module over itself is coherent is said to be a left (resp. right) coherent ring, and various results on and examples of coherent rings are presented. The result stated in [1, p. 63, Exercise 12a] is a basic theorem of [2] and first appeared there. A variety of results on and examples of coherent rings and modules are presented in [3].In this note, all rings contain an identity, all modules are unitary, and all ring homomorphisms " preserve " identities. If the underlying ring is non-commutative, all definitions and results will be given for the left side; the " right side " case will be immediate.The first results presented here concern a ring A with an ideal / which as a left ideal is finitely generated and an A/I -module M. They are used to derive necessary and sufficient coherence conditions on Aft and /for A to be left coherent. This theorem is used to show that the direct product of finitely many left coherent rings is left coherent and another application of this theorem is sketched.A result of [3] states that, if S is a multiplicative system in the commutative coherent ring A, then A s must also be coherent. Here we show that, if every localization at a maximal ideal of a semi-local ring is coherent, then A is also coherent. Then an example of a commutative non-coherent ring is given whose localization at any maximal ideal is noetherian and hence coherent. Finally, some results on coherent modules over commutative rings are presented. LEMMA 1. Let A be a ring, let I be a two-sided ideal of A which is finitely generated as a left ideal, and let M be a finitely generated left A)I-module. Then M is a finitely presented left p