This paper is a novel attempt to model a perception process in the diagnosis of depression. In order to do so, two Fuzzy Clustering Techniques (FCT), such as Fuzzy C-means (FCM) and Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbour (FkNN) are applied. Both the techniques have a special parameter called as 'cluster fuzzifier' (m), which determines the degree of fuzziness between any two clusters. Hence, by varying 'm', one can manipulate the partition between the clusters. Thus, appropriate tuning of 'm' is critical to obtain the desired number of good quality clusters. The paper proposes that 'm' mathematically mimics doctors' diagnostic perceptions, which needs to be tuned appropriately for making a correct diagnosis, i.e. assigning appropriate class labels of depression. Having proposed this, the paper examines how 'm' influences the clustering task, on a sample of real-world depression cases.