This study investigated the effects of deep cryogenic treatment applied to M42 HSS drills on the tool wear, the tool life and the surface roughness during the drilling of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy under dry and wet cutting conditions. Drilling tests were carried out using untreated, cryogenically treated, cryogenically treated and tempered, and multi-layered TiAlN/TiN-coated HSS drills. Four different cutting speeds ((6, 8, 10, 12) m/min) and a constant feed rate of 0.06 mm/r were used as the cutting parameters and holes with a depth of 15 mm were drilled. At the end of the drilling tests, it was seen that the use of a coolant increased the tool life and decreased the surface roughness. Among the four tools, the best results in terms of the tool life and surface roughness were obtained with the multi-layered TiAlN/TiN-coated tool. The cryogenically treated and tempered drills exhibited an increase of 87 % in the tool life compared to the untreated drills. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses showed that by reducing the size of the carbide particles in the microstructure, cryogenic treatment resulted in a more uniform carbide distribution and in the transformation of retained austenite to martensite. This played an important role in the increase in the hardness and wear resistance of the cutting tools. Keywords: cryogenic treatment, microstructure, M42 HSS, drilling, tool life, surface roughness V tej {tudiji je bil preiskovan vpliv globokega podhlajevanja svedrov M42 HSS na njihovo obrabo, zdr`ljivost in hrapavost povr{ine med suhim in mokrim vrtanjem zlitine Ti-6Al-4V. Preizkusi vrtanja so bili izvr{eni z uporabo HSS neobdelanih, podhlajenih, podhlajenih in popu{~anih ter svedrov z ve~plastnim nanosom TiAlN/TiN. Uporabljene so bile {tiri razli~ne hitrosti rezanja ((6, 8, 10, 12) m/min) in konstantno podajanje 0,06 mm/r pri vrtanju 15 mm globokih izvrtin. Na koncu preizkusov vrtanja se je pokazalo, da uporaba hlajenja s teko~ino pove~a zdr`ljivost orodja in zmanj{a hrapavost povr{ine. Med {tirimi orodji je bil glede na njihovo zdr`ljivost in hrapavost povr{ine najbolj{i rezultat dose`en z orodji z ve~plastnim nanosom TiAlN/TiN. Podhlajeni in popu{~ani svedri so imeli pove~ano zdr`ljivost za 87 % v primerjavi z neobdelanimi svedri. Analize na vrsti~nem elektronskem mikroskopu (SEM) in rentgenska difrakcija (XRD) sta pokazali, da z zmanj{anjem velikosti karbidnih zrn v mikrostrukturi pri podhlajevanju dobimo bolj enakomerno razporeditev karbidov, preostali avstenit pa se pretvori v martenzit. To ima pomembno vlogo pri pove~anju trdote in odpornosti orodja za rezanje proti obrabi.