difference of 5-10~ although the data in Tables 1 and 2 lead us to expect that this error would be less for the platinumrhodium-platinum thermocouples. Such a large error is possibly a reflection of inexact positioning of the thermocoupIe junctions relative to the specimen height and the insulation of the electrodes, and it is always present in these experiments despite precautions that are taken. Thus, the complete study shows that platinum-rhodium-platinum thermocouples offer no distinct advantages over Chromel-Alumel thermocouples in determining the thermal conductivity of solids in an actual thermophysical experiment. NOTATION T, t, temperature; ,~, temperature difference; Ay, thermocouple readings; A i, parameters of approximating equation; 3, sensitivity of thermocouple; ~-g>, sensitivity found from the generalized function; 3st, "standard" values of sensitivity; So, standard deviation of sensitivity for a given series; 5, maximum deviation of 3 from ~$> in different series; I, II, indices indicating that the values pertain to platinum-rhodium-platinum and Chromel-Alumel thermocouples, respectively.