1What is quantum probability Quantum Probability (QP) is a new branch of mathematics interconnecting classical probability, functional analysis, pure algebra, quantum physics and information and communication engineering. The mid seventies is the period that marks the beginning of QP as an autonomous discipline. Since then this cross disciplinary nature has accompanied the development of QP and still now it is one of its points of strength, making it an original new trend in contemporary mathematics as well as one of the earliest pioneers of non-commutative mathematics: a field now flourishing with the more recent development of quantum groups, non-commutative geometry, quantum computer, . . .The developments in this area are taking place at such an high pace and such a broad horizon to make impossible any attempt of a detailed synthesis in a single paper. In what follows I shall give a quick historical survey of QP pointing out some of the main problems which have driven these developments and of the main applications to quantum physics.
The early periodSeveral notions, tools and single results, now stably entered in the domain of QP, were developed simultaneously with the birth of quantum mechanics. However these developments occurred independently one another, in several different fields such as functional analysis, the foundations of quantum theory, 1 Abstract of an invited talk to the Annual meeting of the Japan Mathematical Society ,