IntroductionFluid dynamics of a continiiiinl theory of mixture ha,s, from historic times, been object of mient.ific and engineering rewarah. Historical discussion on the development of the subject is sufficiently available in the literature. A more fundamental and rigorous theoretical approach of the modern phase of the continiium theory of mixture can be found in the treatises of TRUES- DELL [l] and TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [2] and in papers by NRINQEN and INGRAM [3], GREEN and NEGHDI [4] and MILL^ [5,6]. AT~IN and CRAINE [7] reoently derived the fundamental equations of continuum theory of mixture and have given the historical development of the subject. In a subsequent paper [8], they applied the basic theory for different types of a binary, chemically reacting and non-reacting mixture of fluids. WIL-HELM and VAN DEB WEBFF [9] studied binary mixture of NEWmman fluids in a pipe, In addition, a number of authors have worked on multiphase or two-phase flows from a different view point, much of the work being concerned with the suspension of solid particles in fluids. An extensive review of the theory of solid-fluid mixture has been given by MARBLE [lo, 111 and So0 [12]. These studies include the work of DAVIDSON and HAR- RISON [13], MUBEY [14], BBENNEB [El, DIGIOVANNI and LEE [la], DREW [17,18] and PEDDIESON [19].