Abstract. We introduce a generalization of a Dowker space constructed from a Suslin tree by Mary Ellen Rudin, and the rectangle refining property for forcing notions, which modifies the one for partitions due to Paul B. Larson and Stevo Todorčević and is stronger than the countable chain condition. It is proved that Martin's Axiom for forcing notions with the rectangle refining property implies that every generalized Rudin space constructed from Aronszajn trees is non-Dowker, and that the same can be forced with a Suslin tree. Moreover, we consider generalized Rudin spaces constructed with some types of non-Aronszajn ω1-trees under the Proper Forcing Axiom.1. Introduction. In [7], Dowker investigated characterizations of countable paracompactness of Hausdorff normal spaces, and he asked if every Hausdorff normal space is countably paracompact.The first counterexample is due to Mary E. Rudin [15]. She proved that if the Suslin Hypothesis fails (that is, there exists a Suslin tree), then there exists a Hausdorff normal space which is not countably paracompact, and moreover it is of size ℵ 1 . A Hausdorff normal space which is not countably paracompact is called a Dowker space. In [16], Rudin exhibited a ZFCexample of a Dowker space which however is quite big, and she asked whether there exists a Dowker space of size ℵ 1 from only ZFC. This is still unknown.(See e.g. [19].) The best known ZFC-example of a Dowker space is of size min{2 ℵ 0 , ℵ ω+1 } and is obtained by combining the results of Balogh [1] and Kojman-Shelah [9].In this paper, we generalize Rudin's Dowker space constructed from a Suslin tree. We will show that Martin's Axiom for forcing notions with the rectangle refining property implies that every generalized Rudin space