Since 1988, particulate matter emission regulations in the US for heavy-duty diesel engines have mandated a reduction from 0.6 g/bhp-hr to the current level of 0.1 g/bhp-hr. As large an improvement as this has been, however, looming in the not-to-distant future is a requirement for an additional order-of-magnitude reduction, to 0.01 g/bhp-hr by 2007, as illustrated in Fig. 1. It will take a major effort by industry to reach this target, and it will most likely require the use of a particulate trap. But this large reduction in total particulate mass will also create a new problem -how to measure it. The current gravimetric procedure of weighing a sample collected on filter paper will be impractical because of the long time required to collect sufficient mass to be detectable. This problem of measurement sensitivity is compounded by the fact that the size of particles emitted by contemporary engines is far smaller than that of engines of 1988. This is why particulate matter emissions are no longer visible. However, achievement of this reduction in size came at the cost of a tradeoff with the number of particles emitted, which has increased by several orders of magnitude and poses a potential health concern. These new issues of size and number may prove to be as important, or even more so, than particulate mass, raising questions about whether "what" is regulated may also change in the future. Compounding this problem are newly raised issues regarding whether the nanoparticles observed in a dilution tunnel are representative of tailpipe exhaust dilution by the atmosphere. In order for regulators to address these issues, improved measurement techniques are needed now, to provide a better understanding of the importance of size and number on environmental and health issues.