El río se dirigía hacia su meta [...]; toda esa agua y todas esas olas se deslizaban vertiginosamente, sufriendo, hacia sus metas, muchas metas: cataratas, lagos, rápidos, el mar; y todas las metas eran alcanzadas, y a cada una seguía otra nueva, y el agua se convertía en vapor y subía al cielo, se convertía en lluvia y se precipitaba desde el cielo, transmutándose en fuente, arroyo, río que volvía a reanudar su curso y a fluir [...]. Y todo ese conjunto, formaba el río del devenir, era la música de la vida.
Siddhartha. HERMANN HESSEThe river flowed on towards its goal [...]; all the waves and water hastened, suffering, towards goals, many goals, to the waterfall, to the sea, to the current, to the ocean and all goals were reached and each one was succeeded by another. The water changed to vapor and rose, became rain and came down again, became spring, brook and river, changed anew, flowed anew [...]. And all of them together was the stream of events, the music of life.
Siddhartha. HERMANN HESSEA mi familia, en especial a Álvaro
List of equationsEquation 1. Longitudinal relaxation time Equation 2. Transverse relaxation time Equation 3. Relationship between T 2 from molecular processes and from the inhomogeneities in the magnetic field Equation 4. Constant time T 1 Equation 5. Constant time T 2 Equation 6. Distribution relaxation times (T 1 , T 2 ) Equation 7. Relaxation time spectra Equation 8. 2D relaxation time spectra Equation 9. Larmor frequency Equation 10. Larmor frequency if the frame of frequency rotates at the angular frequency