goal of this study was to determine the physicochemical properties
of a variety of geologic materials using inverse gas chromatography
(IGC) by varying probe gas selection, temperature, carrier gas flow
rate, and humidity. This is accomplished by measuring the level of
interaction between the materials of interest and known probe gases.
Identifying a material’s physicochemical characteristics can
help provide a better understanding of the transport of gaseous compounds
in different geologic materials or between different geological layers
under various conditions. Our research focused on measuring the enthalpy
(heat) of adsorption, Henry’s constant, and diffusion coefficients
of a suite of geologic materials, including two soil types (sandy
clay-loam and loam), quartz sand, salt, and bentonite clay, with various
particle sizes. The reproducibility of IGC measurements for geologic
materials, which are inherently heterogeneous, was also assessed in
comparison to the reproducibility for more homogeneous synthetic materials.
This involved determining the variability of physicochemical measurements
obtained from different IGC approaches, instruments, and researchers.
For the investigated IGC-determined parameters, the need for standardization
became apparent, including the need for application-relevant reference
materials. The inherent physical and chemical heterogeneities of soil
and many geologic materials can make the prediction of sorption properties
difficult. Characterizing the properties of individual organic and
inorganic components can help elucidate the primary factors influencing
sorption interactions in more complex mixtures. This research examined
the capabilities and potential challenges of characterizing the gas
sorption properties of geologic materials using IGC.